What The Heart Knows Page 11
“Maude?” Hannah asked, sounding amused.
“Maude,” Emily agreed, her voice in mock anger. “That woman needs to learn to stay out of people's lives.”
“Yeah that's never going to happen,” Hannah snorted. “she'll be meddling in the love lives of our generation of kids. Hell, probably even our kid's kids.” She paused for a second, taking a breath. “So you and James slept together...”
“What? I didn't say...”
“Oh, please,” Hannah laughed. “Why do you think James is there handling this whole inn acquisition?”
There was a long pause, the truth dawning on Emily slowly. Hannah had sent James. “You didn't.”
“Oh hell yeah I did,” Hannah said. “I thought that if there was anyone in the world who could handle you and your fit throwing over the inn... it was James.”
“Yes well,” Emily sputtered. “all he has wanted to handle since he got here... is me.”
“Well, you are his type,” Hannah giggled, enjoying her little plan unfolding like she had wanted it to. Emily had needed a man in her life that wouldn't cower from her or fall down and worship at her feet.
“You conniving little bitch,” Emily said, shaking her head but smiling. “you're as bad as Maude.”
“You've had a tough year,” Hannah said. “I thought you could use a little fun. James is like... the epitome of fun. I always have such a good time with him.”
“He held a staff meeting without me,” she complained. Hannah stayed silent, waiting for the whole story. Emily sipped her scalding coffee before she went on. “Alright fun... I was hella hungover and may have threatened castration, but still.”
“Widow Makers?” Hannah asked.
“Widow Makers,” Emily agreed, swearing off all of Maude's alcoholic beverages for the foreseeable future.
Hannah was silent for a long time, before gushing out all at once, as if afraid she wouldn't have the nerve to ask if she didn't do it quickly. “How was the sex?”
“I may have seen through the fabric of time for a minute,” Emily admitted, closing her eyes against the memory. “but that's not the point.”
“Your priorities are messed up if that isn't the point,” Hannah said, sounding like her mouth was full.
“No, the point is now I have to deal with him every day and try to maintain a professional relationship with him...”
“To hell with a professional relationship,” Hannah snorted. “Who there is going to care if you and James are screwing around? Meggie? Dev? Come on, they're your friends just as much as your employees. They don't care who you have sex with.”
Emily was silent for a long time, trying to see if she had the nerve to say what she had been thinking for the past few weeks, what she had been trying to bury and deny and ignore. “I like him,” she said simply, closing her eyes against how silly and girly that sounded.
The chewing on Hannah's end of the phone stopped suddenly. “What?”
Emily took a deep breath. “Yeah.”
“Well... damn,” Hannah said.
“Yup,” Emily agreed. “Well, whatever. I just have to deal with this for the next few months. Or however long it is before he heads out somewhere else. Then things can just... go back to normal.”
“Sureeee they can,” Hannah said and Emily could practically hear her rolling her eyes.
“Shut up. This is all your fault. And Maude's,” she said, spotting the woman walking over toward her. “Speak of the devil,” she said. “I got to go. Talk to you later.”
“Mmmhmm,” she mumbled. “enjoy the sex.”
“Pop that baby out already. Your hormones are messing with your brain,” she said, starting to stand to confront Maude. “Love you,” she said, hanging out without waiting for the reply. “You,” she accused as Maude walked up to grab a cup of hot chocolate.
“Oh, don't worry, girl,” Maude said, looking positively victorious. “I didn't hear a thing. Had my TV up real loud.”
Emily squinted her eyes at the women. “Then how did you know there was anything to be heard?”
“Yes, well,” Maude said, fighting to hold back a smile. “it is not my fault that you scream like a banshee with a man.”
“Oh. Good. God,” Emily groaned, her cheeks heating up. She just wanted to fold up inside herself and disappear. Or for the end of the world to happen right that minute and suck her into the molten core of the Earth. She looked down at her feet, wondering how the hell she could ever look Maude in the eyes again.
“Pish tosh,” Maude said, reaching out and patting Emily's arm. “There aint nothing wrong with a woman enjoying a man. Hell, what's the point of them if they aint pleasin' ya in bed? I'm just saying... you might want to muzzle it when you're back at the inn.”
“There isn't going to be any more sex,” Emily objected.
Maude titled her head to the side, looking into her eyes for an unnervingly long time. “Keep telling yourself that. You might actually believe it,” she said, moving to sit down at the the table Emily had vacated. “Your man is awake by the way,” she told her. “he'll probably be looking for you soon enough.”
Emily nodded, walking back toward the staff quarters and letting herself in. At least it was one place to could finally get away from him.
James woke up alone, completely naked on top of all of the bed sheets. He reached out to touch the empty space next to him, finding it still slightly warm. She hadn't been gone long. He waited a moment, seeing if she would emerge from the bathroom. When she didn't, he pushed himself up and sat at the edge of the bed.
He hadn't meant to fall asleep. He should have known better to let her lay there awake and have the doubts creep back in. Or for her to remember just how much she resented him for being a part of her work life. She was probably off somewhere cursing him, but more likely herself, out.
Which was stupid. They had both wanted to get into bed since pretty much the moment they met. Three weeks apart had only straightened the need. Absence and the heart and all that nonsense. Except it wasn't the heart. It was just simple desire.
They were both adults who had enjoyed sex in the past. If he was right about her, she had definitely even enjoyed casual sex in her time. Why did it have to be any different? Just two adults who were attracted to each other, who had mind blowing sex, and planned to keep doing so until one or both decided it was time to move on.
He stood up slowly, dragging clothes on, planning on tracking her down, dragging her to get some dinner and then taking her back to bed until they were both too weak to walk. Hell, if he got his way, they wouldn't get back to the inn for a week.
Outside the window, the snow was just about giving up, barely fluttering down at all. He grabbed his room key and started off toward the great room. She hadn't gone anywhere. She had left all her winter gear in the room. Knowing her, she needed coffee. Or a handful of sweet desserts.
He didn't see her in the great room. He ducked his head into the dining room, the gift shop, the game room. She was nowhere to be found. He made his way back out to the great room, getting a cup of coffee.
Maude was sitting at a table by herself, elbows on the table, head resting on her steepled hands, watching him. He sent her a half smile and moved to sit down with her.
“It was about time you got that girl into bed,” she said, making James choke on his coffee. “Don't go given me those innocent puppy eyes. I know everything.”
“Because you're a psychic,” James agreed, not exactly believing, but not disbelieving either.
“Exactly. Plus, you two made quite a racket.” Maude laughed at the smile playing at his lips. “Proud of yourself, are ya?”
James laughed, shaking his head. “We had a good time.”
“Mmmhmm,” Maude said, tapping her hand on the top of her mug. “Now what are you gonna do?”
“What do you mean?”
“Well, Emily is obviously hiding from you,” she said,
watching his eyes widen a bit.
Hiding? Like actually hiding from him? How did she think that was going to work out? They came up the hill in the same car for goodness sakes. And there were no other available rooms.
“Look,” Maude said, reaching across the table for his hand. “Emily aint like the girls you are used to. She's... progressive. She likes to be the one in control and making the decisions.”
“She's always been the one in control,” James said, shaking his head. “if I was the one in control... this would have happened a month ago.”
“She doesn't feel like she's the one in control here though.”
“Because I'm the boss,” he said, watching Maude purse her lips and nod. “Did she tell you this?”
“No, darling, this is just plain old common sense,” she said in a tone that suggested he was an idiot for not coming to the conclusion himself. “But right now she's off somewhere trying to figure out how to take control back,” she paused for a second, tilting her ear upward as if listening for something far away. She laughed, smiling at him. “and now she just decided the way to do that is to pretend your little romp never happened. And never let it happen again.”
“Oh, like hell...” he said, shaking his head.
“Control,” Maude said, squeezing his hand. “you need to make it seem like she has the control. The next time, it has to be her idea. Her first move.”
“You want me to make her beg for it, huh?” he asked, his eyes bright and boyish.
Maude sighed, a long-suffering sound only mothers and grandmother's can pull off well. “Something like that.”
James winked at her. “I think I can handle that.”
Maude got up, nodding at him. “Better work on it fast. The roads will be clear by morning.”
“You're amazing,” James said, shaking his head at her.
“Oh, I know,” Maude said, not bothering to look back at him as she walked away.
The only problem was, he couldn't find her anywhere to give her power back to her. Or whatever he was supposed to do. He couldn't do it because she was nowhere to be found. He lapped around the building twice. He went back up to the room, changed into his winter gear, and went outside to look for her. But she was nowhere.
He went back to the room, changed, and went down to the dining room for dinner. He had just finished signing his bill when he saw the woman who had checked them in, Aria, walk out of the kitchen with a huge plate piled with muffins and cookies.
He hopped up out of his seat, following the unsuspecting Aria as she made her way through the great room and down the hall past the game room. There was a door at the end marked “Staff Only”. He waited a moment after she went through, seeing if she would reemerge. But she didn't.
With a deep breath, he opened the door and rushed in before he could think better of it.
He found himself in a large square room, a kitchen to the far left with a dining table with eight chairs. Directly forward was a a hallway with doors on each side. Staff quarters, he guessed.
To the right of the room was a large sitting area with huge plush plaid couches, a fireplace and a massive TV set. And there sitting on one of those couches, was Emily.
“You're not supposed to be here,” Aria said to his side.
He turned to her, a charming smile on his face. “I wasn't aware Emily worked here.”
Aria lifted one of her flawless black brows, crossing her arms over her chest, looking every bit like she intended to kick him out of her common room no matter what his argument was. “Look, hold up,” he said, reaching in his pocket for his phone and quickly punching in a number and dialing. He switched it to speaker when he heard the other end pick up. “Dev, it's James,” he said, watching Aria's eyes widen. “tell the lovely Aria here that I am allowed in the staff common room for a minute to fetch Emily.”
There was a second of silence before Devon made a quiet laughing sound. “Aria... baby, honey, sugar, darling,” he said and James watched as Aria's face twisted into a mask of horror. “James Michaels can go anywhere he wants to go in that lodge. Especially if he is going to fetch Emily. In fact, I would like you to send me the security footage of that happening.”
Aria glared at the phone, then glared at James and dropped her hands. “Fine,” she said, walking away.
“Something going on there?” James asked, putting the phone up to his ear.
“Something going on with you and Em?” Dev countered and James smiled.
“None of my business. Got it,” he said. “Thanks, Dev. Maude says we should be able to head back by morning. I trust you're holding down the fort.”
“Oh, you know me. I'm whipping these guys into shape. Meggie said to thank you for doing the dishes. I think she is half in love with you for it.”
James laughed. “Tell her it was nothing. See you guys tomorrow.”
“See ya.”
James slipped his phone into his pocket, watching as Emily picked at a large coffee cake muffin. She seemed peaceful sitting there, socked feet up on the cushion, looking out the window that overlooked the steep drop into the lake. It was strange to see her so still. He almost didn't want to disturb her.
But they needed to talk. And she needed to stop avoiding him.
He walked over slowly, sitting down by her feet, enjoying the shock on her face as she realized who it was. “I looked for you for hours,” he said, not looking at her. “And then the strangest thing happened. I saw Aria with a plate full of sweet things. So I followed her...”
“You followed her?” Emily asked over a mouthful of food. What the hell? Who followed people around into restricted areas?
“Yup. And then I had to call Devon to have him give me access.”
“Seriously?” Emily asked, dangerously close to laughing. Who went through all of that when they could have just paged her at the front desk? She wouldn't have answered the page. But that wasn't the point.
“Mmmhmm. I think Dev and Aria have something going on,” he said, sending her a conspiratory look.
“No way,” Emily said, shaking her head.
“Yeah way. He called her 'baby, honey, sugar, darling' and she looked mortified. Cant blame him. She's gorgeous.”
“Yeah she is,” Emily said, stretching her feet out over his legs. “I'd do her,” she said, laughing.
James closed his eyes, holding a finger up at her. “One minute. I need to picture that.” His hands went to her feet, slowly massaging the arches.
Emily rolled her neck, settling back against the pillows behind her. “Typical man,” she mumbled, resisting the urge to just melt into the couch. Was there anything that felt as good as a foot massage you didn't even have to ask for?
They fell into a companionable silence, James pressing his fingers into her tired feet, Emily trying to pretend it wasn't a huge turn-on.
“Maude said the roads should be clear by morning,” he said after a while, watching the fire crackle in the fireplace.
“Good,” Emily said, nodding. It would be good to get things back to normal. Back on track. Things were too confusing there. With all the firelight and the snow. Being romantically stranded in a lodge. Forced to share a room. It was all just too much.
The world outside was getting dark. She wondered how late it was. Seven? Eight? She felt completely drained. From the sex, yeah. But mostly from the uncertainty, the worry about what was happening. About what might happen. She just wanted to curl up on her little couch and go to sleep, straight through to morning when they could go back to their normal lives.
“Don't sleep here,” James said, watching her rest her head against the cushion and close her eyes. “There's a perfectly nice bed upstairs. Plenty big enough. You don't even have to touch me if you don't want to.”
Lord, how she wanted to.
Emily took a deep breath, pulling her feet off his lap and setting them down on the floor. “Fi
ne,” she said, grabbing her plate of goodies and standing.
James tried not to celebrate prematurely. It was a victory, yes. But a small one. He followed behind her as they walked through the great room and up the stairs, letting her take the literal lead so maybe mentally she would believe she had the metaphorical one.
She opened the door, putting the food down on the desk and looking at the bed with an expression of dread.
“Any particular side?” James asked, reaching for the remote to the TV.
“Don't suppose I could get the whole thing?” she asked, smiling.
“Not a chance,” James shook his head. “I don't care how pretty you are, I'm not sleeping on the floor.”
Emily shook her head, trying not to focus on the fact that he called her pretty. “The left,” she said, moving to lay down on her side. James got in the bed on the right side, carelessly flicking through the channels. Ignoring her. Like she wasn't even there. How was that even possible? She was so hyper aware of each move he made, how his body was only about three inches from hers. That if she shifted even the slightest in her sleep, she would probably end up on top of him.
Maybe that was because he just needed to get her out of his system. Maybe that was all it was for him. A good lay and he could go back to acting like there was never anything there.
A part of her wished she were able to do that. The other part, a larger part, felt nothing but sadness at the idea.
Emily looked over at the TV when he finally stopped clicking through channels. Her eyebrows drew together, glancing at him. “Dragnet? Really?”
“Who doesn't love Joe Friday and all his stoic manliness?” James asked, putting a hand to his heart.
“You're such a weirdo,” Emily said, rolling her eyes.
“Yeah, but I'm so good looking that it all evens out,” he said, leaning down and pulling the comforter up over their bodies.
Emily pulled the comforter up to her chin, turning slightly onto her side, toward him or she wouldn't be able to see the TV.